WikileaksToo are total supporters of LGBTQ+ people and send our support to all people of all sexual orientations and genders. It is a difficult path in life to walk alone with society built around a heteronormative standard. Especially when many of you are born that way due to hormones in the womb! How absurd to hate someone for the way they were born. But the problem is with people of the power of Spielberg hide their sexuality. And oh yeah, acting out on pedophilic urges is among the most serious crimes there are. And there is a connection between sexual abuse and warping an abuse victim’s sexuality for life. We know that many homosexuals are absolutely born this way, and had a childhood free of sexual abuse. However, many members of the LGBTQ+ community are victims of serious physical child sexual abuse.
Steven Spielberg is in the closet and seems to be playing footsie to come out as a “Bisexual American” or something. We know the truth.
Since his start, Spielberg has been closely aligned with gay projects to an extreme degree. And this isn’t mentioning the projects featuring open pedophilia. This is highly unusual for a 100% heterosexual man, no matter how progressive. All progressives support LGBTQ+ pride and rights. But this guy, he is not what he appears. Steven Spielberg is no 100% “Super straight” heteronormative man.
A list of gay or pedophilic Spielberg projects
BIG – Weirdly based on a French film Da grande (film) – Wikipedia weird undertones about bedwetting and an adult in a child’s body.
American Beauty – Kevin Spacey – High school girl. Nuff said?
Leaves Boy Scouts of America over gay policy – This really a thing straight guys ? There have been many stories for years about pedophilia in Boy Scouts as with the Catholic Church. Unfortunately no one can freely discuss the Venn diagram of being gay and engaging in consensual adult relations and being a pedophile and being a gay pedophile. The Boy Scouts wanted to keep adult gay men away from troops who could potentially be molested by them. This is a difficult policy. Most of the children had a “don’t ask don’t tell policy”. And frankly, as a former boy scout myself, I didn’t want any sexualized activities whatsoever, including locker room talk.